School Nurse
A fully certified school nurse is on duty daily to provide for emergency health needs of students and staff, as well as to schedule and conduct height, weight, audio, and visual screenings. Students with health issues (including allergies) are asked to report to the school nurse at the beginning of the school term or when such a concern arises.
If a student must receive medication during school hours, parents/guardians must comply with New Jersey State Narcotic and Dangerous Drugs Law; Title-24:21--16-18:
- Parent/guardian must provide a written request for the administration of medication at school.
- Written orders must be provided by the doctor, detailing what condition the medication treats, side effects, and how often it is to be administered.
- Medication containers must be properly labeled by pharmacy/doctor and brought directly to school nurse by the parent/guardian upon entering the school building. All medication must be in its original container.
- No medication, including over-the-counter, will be administered without a doctor's note. Students are not to have medication on their person, in their locker, or anywhere else.
- Students are not permitted to self-medicate.
Students who become ill during the school day must obtain a pass to the Health Office from a teacher. All injuries or illnesses should be reported to the school nurse. Any student requesting to leave school due to illness must be seen in the Health Office. Students cannot call parents/guardians directly, from the Guidance Office or from a cell phone, and request to be taken home. A student who claims illness and states that s/he was too ill to either go to the teacher or to the nurse and spends a class period or portion thereof in the bathroom will be considered as having cut the class. In the event a student or staff member displays symptoms worthy of a quarantine, an isolation room may be utilized until that individual can exit the building.
Contact Us
Nurse's Office
201-385-8847, option 6
Ana Burke
School Nurse
201-385-8847, ext. 2320
Alyssa Parrish
School Nurse
201-385-8847, ext. 2322